
Plushie One:

Coming into the class late was challenging. I was given extra time to complete assignments, but it was still difficult to complete assignments on time considering I had missed the introduction to the assignments and the introduction to the equipment. Not knowing how to work the cameras yet, I shot for about two minutes to gather footage for my plushie. With help, I quickly through the clips into FinalCut, started a Jimdo, and started a Vimeo. I added some music and put some filters on some of the different clips I had filmed. Overall, this video was done for completion and not done for perfection. Although I'm slowly feeling more and more caught up and part of the class, I wish I had been in this class since day one. 


Brian Gawlik: Brian Gawlik was the first film teacher at Burr and Burton Academy. Sadly, he passed away on December 8, 2009 at the age of 48 after struggling with cancer for many years. He came to Burr and Burton Academy in 1999 with no teaching experience, but with many years of film and cinematography experience. 

Gawlik Room: The Gawlik room is a room that includes a green screen and a lot of other film equipment. It doubles as a good place to get ideas and implement them. This room is named after Brian Gawlik.

Canon Vixia: A Canon Vixia is a small Camcorder. It's easy to handle and good on the go.

Clip: If you were to film for 2 minutes and cut out 5 seconds of what you shot, those 5 seconds would be considered a clip.

Editing: Editing is the process of cutting and putting clips and effects together into one cohesive piece.

Event (in FCPX): An event is the place where you can find all your imported films.

Final Cut Pro X (FCPX): Final Cut Pro is a professional program to edit clips.

"Fix it in Post": This term means you can fix /correct any mistake in Post-Production (editing).

Initializing SD Card in Canon Vixia: formatting the SD card in the camcorder.

Jonathan Levin: 

Library (in FCPX): This is the place where all your events and projects are saved.

"Lock it Down / or Lock it Up" : This means you need to give full attention to who is speaking.

BBA News Room: The BBA news room is a good place to shoot news scenes in a professional way.

Pre-Production: The process before shooting. This includes a storyboard, movement of camera, actors learning their lines, etc.

Post-Production: The process after shooting. This includes editing, adding music and visual / sound effects, light correcting, etc.

Project (in FCPX): A space to edit a film.

Scene: Clips pieced together are a scene. A film consist of many different scenes (Scene 1: sitting in train, Scene 2: arriving at home)

Timeline: The place you drag clips into to edit them. 


- never zoom in using the camera zoom — instead walk towards your subject with the camera 

- make sure you initialize the SD card before starting to film 

- filming is all about smooth transitions

- sound is key — it can make or break a film 

- commutation with your actors is necessary for success 

- make sure you put your film in your library in Final Cut Pro, not someone else's

- be organized, be nice, work hard, and have fun